Cybercrop over at CIS

OMG I totally forgot to put this on my blog on friday, oh well it's still going on over at the forum today and the challenges don't need to be uploaded until wednesday midnight, so still lots of scrappy time left :
Here's the timetable:
Friday 25th September
7:00pm - Sign in and chatter
7:30pm - Challenge 1: REDUCE with Karen
8:00pm - Challenge 2: REUSE with Laura
8:30pm - Challenge 3: RECYCLE with Kerryn
Saturday 26th September
8:00pm - Live chat sign in
8:15pm - Game: Scavenger Hunt with Lana
Sunday 27th SeptemberScrap and chat all day!!!
Upload by Wednesday 30th September midnight AEST
My challenge is to scraplift someone's work from the gallery, plus an additional criteria that you can check out in the forum. I scraplifted this layout by Ali:


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